Showing posts with label outside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outside. Show all posts
Every once in a while you come across a book that you wonder why you have never seen it before. And why everyone is not talking about it.

Everybody Needs a Rock is one of those books for me. 

And I am going to be a person who talks about it. 

Everybody Needs a Rock
written by Byrd Baylor
illustrated by Peter Parnall
published by Aladdin (1974, reprint 1985)

In the Spring, kindergarten kids tend to get a little (more) wiggly.

They need movement.

They need action.

It was time to learn about Jackson Pollock, and try our version of action painting.

Out to the forest we went, ten groups, two by two, paper bags in hand.

Instructions were to work together to collect 10 items found in the forest - they could not choose 10 of the same thing. (We did not want 100 pinecones!)
Usually we take our Christmas tree to be chipped after Christmas.

But not any more

Looking for easy to prep, semi spooky outdoor fun?

Go hunting for bones.

One of our favourite fall books to read is The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.

It is a Halloween classic.

This year, we told the story with a twist.

Being outside, reading a story, and a bit of running about.

Seems like a winning combination.

So we went on a StoryWalk®.

A StoryWalk® is just what it sounds like - a story and a walk.  As children walk down a path,  they come across the pages of a story book attached to boards on posts stuck in the ground or on trees or attached to something.  As you contine on  the walk, the story is read, page by page.
We had such wonderful weather that we just couldn't stay inside.  So we didn't!

Time for a little numbers and counting practice - outside.

100 hearts.

That's enough to bring some Valentine's fun to a neighbourhood roundabout.

A bright sunny afternoon (rare in a part of the world where winter is grey and rainy).

About 50 children.

A bunch of Christmas tree decorations.

goal for the week:  lots of outside play time.

Last week was a typical BC week in January.  Rain, rain and more rain.

Way too many inside recess days for anyone's well being.

This week the weather is co-operating - and we are going outside.  

When we are outside,

 we can use our big muscles, 

use our imaginations,

would you like a cupcake?

my horse's name is Daisy

dig, build and create

see the world from a new perspective,


or find a quiet spot to sit with friends.

Being outside is good for the body, mind and soul.  

Image Map
Kids and water. 

I figured that in the warmth (it hasn't been the blistering heat that I was anticipating - but still a whole lot warmer than home!) of South Africa was a no fail combination. 

No official "water play" toys. So we improvised. Old school water play. The way my mum did it. Way back when.

Two washtubs, two buckets, some sand pails that had been donated and some empty containers. 

Add children.

Lots of filling. 



I really wanted a colander (or something like it) for the kids to play cause and effect with. No one had a colander. So I improvised. An empty yogurt container and a nail, and I had myself a free water toy. 

Two wee boys found a couple of pails, poured back and forth, acquired
More water, added grass, leaves and seeds, and kept a story/game evolving for over an hour. I so wished that I could have understood their story. Still need to work on my Zulu.

One little fellow assigned himself to help me with refilling the buckets. 

He filled; I carried. We were a good team. 

The best part of this activity;  the pre school teachers realized how simple it could be. 

I think they'll do it again.  :)

One of the things on my summer bucket list was to make a fairy garden.  (I made fairy small world/sensory bins at school - but never a fairy garden for my garden fairies.)


I had a barrel ready and waiting.  Just one clematis climbing the fence and providing a lovely backdrop for fairy frolics.

Last week end my husband and I were in the hardware store - buying kindergarten supplies.

We bought 2 lengths of 3/4 inch pvc pipe and a bunch of connectors.

My husband, good man that he is, cut the pipe into lengths.  After cutting up the first pipe in random lengths, he thought that the kids might like to be able to build structures. He cut the second pipe into 2 different sized lengths. 

I put the pipe, connectors, some tubing and funnels into the water table.  And then took it outside. 

The kidlets started building.

Then the water pouring began.  

It's only fun to pour water in, if that water is going to come out somewhere.  That posed a number of questions.

Where is the water?

Why is the pipe leaking?

How will gravity affect the water flow.  (We learned about gravity with Col. Chris Hadfield.)

Where will the water go if there is a closed loop?

I didn't answer any questions.  The kidlets were experimenting, finding what worked and what didn't work, and adapted the pipe structure  based on new information.  

Sounds like the scientific process to me.

And to think that we stopped at the hardware store for a lightbulb ...       


Shiver me timbers and rattle me bones - we got through another Pirate Day.

I added a new activity to Pirate Day this year.

A Pirate Treasure hunt  - with a twist.

allowing (encouraging) risky play

Last week we walked to one of our forests.  (Yes, we are really lucky and have more than one forest within walking distance from the school.)

This forest is right in town.  It has define limits - sidewalks!  It also has trails, bridges, huge trees, a small creek and plenty of room to explore, play games and enjoy a bit of freedom.

We go with our big buddy class.  The rule is that the big buddy has to stay with the little buddy and the little buddy has to stay with the big buddy.  No going onto the sidewalk.  Come to the whistle blast as soon as you hear it and as quickly as you can.

On this visit, the main attraction was a log.  A log crossing over a little bit of a creek.

After a bit of exploring a few kids asked me if they could go across the log.

My answer was that they could IF they felt it was safe for them.  Kindergarten kidlets could go across on their bums and big kids could walk.  

This little guy scooted over the log countless times.  He was concentrating hard and mastering a new skill.  

The big kids could not resist jumping off the log.  Same rule.  Only if you feel safe.

The kids had to make the choice for themselves if they felt it was safe for them to cross on the log. 

Some kids felt totally safe, and could probably have cartwheeled across the log.  Other kids looked, thought about it, and decided that it was not for them.  Both options were perfectly acceptable.  

Making risk assessments and taking safe risks is an important part of self regulation.  And an important part of development.  

Life is full of risks.  Very little is learned without risk being taken.  No one would ever learn to walk if they were not willing/able/allowed to risk falling on their bums.  Kids need to learn to assess risk and take productive risks. Risks that have greater benefit than than the small dangers. 

Children need to be able to take reasonable risks.  Through risk taking they can develop self confidence, good judgement, persistence and perseverance, and resiliency.  Children learn to make judgement call through real life.  Through successes and challenges.  Through bumps, bruises, band-aids and trying again.    

When my son was 6 or 7, he loved riding his bike down a path on a hill.  He loved going as fast as his little feet could pedal - and then a wee bit faster.  A number of other mums were worried about him and asked if I knew what he was doing.  I had an understanding with my son - he wore a helmet and I carried band aids (big ones).  I wanted him to learn to take safe risks on a bicycle before he got behind the wheel of a car.  

I plan to go back to our forest a couple of times before the end of the school year.  It's likely that the log will be a major attraction again.  We will talk about safe choices.  I will carry band-aids in my first aid kit.  And we will have  a lot of fun, enjoying nature and the challenges  and opportunities it offers us.  

reading about risky play

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