Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
As we were investigating snails, the children were surprised to learn that a famous artist was intrigued by the same garden snails that caught our imagination. 

Matisse's daughter said that her father made many drawings of snails, and that his work The Snail (1953) came out of these drawings.

Before we we ready to paint with scissors like Matisse, we did some reading.
When the winter dark sets in, I like to to "twinkle up" our classroom with stars.

We read about the darkest dark with Commander Chris Hadfield, learned how Franklin the turtle turned on his nightlight (when no one was looking) because he was afraid of small dark places - and then we learned how to draw a star with Eric Carle.

Draw Me a Star is one of Eric Carle's lesser knows books.

Summary: "Draw me a star. And the artist drew a star. It was a good star. Draw me a sun, said the star. And the artist drew a sun." And on the artist draws, bringing the world to life picture by beautiful picture until he is spirited across the night sky by a star that shines on all he has made. In "Draw Me a Star," Eric Carle celebrates the imagination in all of us with a beguiling story about a young artist who creates a world of light and possibility. A remarkable, quintessentially simple book encompassing Creation, creativity, and the cycle of life within the eternal. -- "Kirkus Reviews,"  GoodReads

full disclosure - Draw Me a Star is on a list of books contested and banned in schools and library; there are biblical themes  (although, I would be surprised if my students picked up on it) and a Eric Carle style depiction of a naked man and woman. Not graphic, but enough to know it was a man and a woman. We have "know the names of body parts including private parts" on our curriculum - so it would not have posed a problem for us - but the copy of the book that I borrowed from the school library had already been censored!!

Back to the creating.

I wanted Eric Carle style art - painted paper collage -- and sparkle.

Painting on tin foil was the sparkle solution.

The kids used paint brushes to make random dots on their tin foil. Finger prints would have also worked, but I want not into that much hand washing. Sometimes a paintbrush can save sanity. 

When the painted tin foil was dry, I cut it into strips. 

The kids each chose a star, pre-cut and made of poster board. (If we had a longer timeline, or the children were older, they would have drawn and cut out their own stars). 

The children cut their tinfoil strips into little pieces, and glued them onto their star. 

When the glue was dry, I cut off the excess tin foil.

The last step was to add some beads before hanging them up. (I could not find the string that I bought to hang up the stars, so we improvised and used unbent paper clips. Worked like a charm.)

Eric Carle inspired stars - bringing colour, sparkle and the joy of creativity into our classroom. 

related star activities


The beginning of a new year is a good time to take stock, reflect on the past 
and make goals for the future.
In kindergarten that seems to mean drawing a portrait for the portfolio, so that the adults can see the change, growth and development since the last self portrait. 

place based art

Reading The Six Cedar Trees by Margot Sandahl and Celeste Aleck, made us think about cedar trees.

They are all around us, but we hadn't really stopped to look at them with curiosity and creativity. 

As we looked carefully at the cedars in our school yard, we saw their beauty -- and wanted to make some art.

Who would have guessed that the common garden snail would inspire great art.

As part of our snail inquiry/investigation/curiosity/learning, we wondered about how we could be snail inspired artists.

When we did some research, we discovered that we were not the first to be inspired to creation by the garden snail.

I love the book Go Away Big Green Monster.  

It's a classic.

I cannot imagine not reading it with my kindergarten kids.

After reading it, you just have have to make your own big green monsters.  

We LOVE Todd Parr books.

We love that they make us feel good.

We love that they make us think.

We love that they make us laugh.

And we love the bright, colorful illustrations.

We read The Crayon Box that Talked when we talk about being peaceful, being kind, and appreciating that we all have unique talents and abilities. It is a wonderful story about the importance of diversity.

Many American schools read it as part of Martin Luther King Jr Day activities.

Whenever it is read, it is a fun book with a good lesson.

The Crayon Box That Talked
written by Shane DeRolf
illustrated by Michael Letzig
published by Random House Books for Young Readers (1997)

Fall trees are just so beautiful. The kindergarten kids looked at the trees as artists, and saw the colours of the leaves and the lines of the branches.

As artists, we knew we wanted to paint those trees - highlighting both the lines of the branches and the colours of the changing leaves.

The Dot by Peter Reynold is a wonderful book to read. And reread. And be inspired by.

It reminds us of some very important principles:
• everyone has a mark to leave on the world
• effort should be celebrated
• art is inclusive
• encouragement is contagious

summary  Vashti thinks that she can't draw.  Her art teacher gently asks her to make a dot on her paper, and sign it.  Next class, Vashti sees her dot, framed, above her teacher's desk.  It inspires her to make better dots, bigger dots, coloured dots, un-dots, and to see herself as an artist.

One of our first and most important goals in our kindergarten class is to become a community. A community that everyone belongs to. Equally. A community that celebrates both that which we have in common, and the things that make us different and unique. A community that is curious, and brave enough to explore new ideas and skills. A community that cares for each other, and cheers each other on. A group of kids that belong together.

One of the Eric Carle books that just has to be read and enjoyed every year is The Very Grouchy Ladybug.

We love the art work, as a teacher I embrace the math concepts, and we enjoy all the animals.  But we wonder, why does that ladybug need to be so grouchy!

Process art is a way for kids to explore art and their artistic selves. The action of creating is more important than the finished product. Fun-A-Day can tell you all about it.

It's a bonus round, when process art looks knock-your-socks-off, fantastic-amazing. 

Self portraits are a time honoured way to assess development and growth in kindergarten. 

They are also a wonderful tool to exercise observation skills, a vehicle of self expression, and way to develop the artist self.

They also transform a bulletin board into a gallery.

Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night has captured countless imaginations.

It captures ours.

We learn about Mr Van Gogh, his work, and how he painted with his feelings as well as his eyes,  in kindergarten.

James Mayhew's book Katie and the Starry Night helps introduce children to Starry Night, and some of Van Gogh's other work. We read it, and then picked up our paint q-tips.

Katie and the Starry Night
written and illustrated by James Mayhew
published by Orchard Books, 2012

Spiders make the most amazing fall decorations. Their webs just fascinate me.  So intricate and delicate - get strong. And beautiful in the morning dew.

The kindergarten kids and I decided to make like spiders and create webs.

• coffee filters
• black jiffy marker
• eye droppers
• liquid water colour paints

1. Watch spiders create webs. It is amazing.

2. Draw a web on a coffee filter.

We chatted about how the spider makes the radial threads first, and then creates the spiral threads. Not all the kindergarten spiders followed the traditional spider web formula.

The kids drew on the coffee filter with pencil, and I traced over their lines with a jiffy marker.

2. Add colour.

I absolutely love liquid water colour paints. They are easy for the kids to use, and produce such beautiful, vibrant results.

We put a bit of slightly diluted red, yellow, orange, blue and purple liquid water colours in plastic cups (recycled snack size apple sauce containers are perfect).  We did not put too much in the cups, since the kids did not need a dropper full of paint - just drops. A little goes a long way on a coffee filter.

The kids were delightfully thoughtful about where they wanted different colours.

They dripped the colour until their spider webs met their artistic approval. 

3. Admire the spider web artistry.


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