celebrate - generous hearts and art appreciation

A poster of Mr Klimt's painting Tree of Life is on the white board.

The gold paint is on the counter.

The tables are scattered with the vibrant colors of oil pastels.

Vivaldi is playing in the background.

Twenty little artists are creating their own works of art.

Sharing colors.  Sharing ideas.

And then one voice above the rest  ...  Ms Sandi - can I walk around and admire everyone's work.

And he did.

This week I celebrate generous hearts and art appreciation.

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  1. What a lovely way he had! It is great that he wanted to see other great work! Out of the mouths of babes.

    1. I love when they support each others' work and effort and creativity.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Perfect words! Beautiful celebration.


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