belly buttons

Pete still has his belly button

I'm having a lot of fun with this button thing!

Found a couple of belly buttons songs that I had to share.

I LOVE VeggieTales.  I started watching them with my kids (now 17 and 19), and still laugh when I watch them with my own big kids or other people's little kids.

This was new to me, but is apparently a camp favourite,  Made me laugh!

And one last one.  I know I said a couple.  But this is Molly from Big Comfy Couch.  Her 10 Second Clean Up saved my Saturday morning more than once!


This belly button post has been brought to you by Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons.

The giveaway goes until Friday.   Click on the graphic to find out all about it.

it's all good ....


  1. Why are belly buttons so funny ? :)
    I loved the camp song!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers

  2. I love the VeggieTales one too, Mum. I think it's hilarious!


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