Way back in the fall, we read about Jamie and his pumpkin seeds. Just like Jamie, we saved some seeds for planting in the spring.
Since we are also learning about refusing, reducing, reusing and recycling, we made our own plant pots out of newspaper. I have this handy dandy plant pot maker that I bought from Lee Valley a few years ago. Roll, press and turn ... and hey presto - an environmentally and biodegradable plant starter.
I use another Lee Valley find to contain the planting mess. I love my table top tarp. It has snaps at each of the corners that create 3" tall walls and the work area (26" x 26") is just the right size for messy projects. It keeps the mess in one area and makes clean up something the kidlets can manage. (Lee Valley has not sponsored this post - I just really like these 2 products. But if they want to - they can get hold of me ...)
And then carefully added a pumpkin seeds.
The kidlets will each take a pumpkin plant home to plant in their gardens, and we will plant some in our school garden to make into jack-o-lanterns in the fall.
Of course, we will save some seeds for planting again next spring.
What's growing on your window sill?

Since we are also learning about refusing, reducing, reusing and recycling, we made our own plant pots out of newspaper. I have this handy dandy plant pot maker that I bought from Lee Valley a few years ago. Roll, press and turn ... and hey presto - an environmentally and biodegradable plant starter.
I use another Lee Valley find to contain the planting mess. I love my table top tarp. It has snaps at each of the corners that create 3" tall walls and the work area (26" x 26") is just the right size for messy projects. It keeps the mess in one area and makes clean up something the kidlets can manage. (Lee Valley has not sponsored this post - I just really like these 2 products. But if they want to - they can get hold of me ...)
The kidlets filled their newspaper pots with dirt.
The pumpkin plants-to-be are happily sitting on the window sill - hopefully growing healthy roots.
The kidlets will each take a pumpkin plant home to plant in their gardens, and we will plant some in our school garden to make into jack-o-lanterns in the fall.
Of course, we will save some seeds for planting again next spring.
What's growing on your window sill?

Hi. Visiting from the Weekly Kid's Co-op. What fantastic finds from Lee Valley. You've inspired me to think about our much neglected garden. Thanks for sharing.